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- About the Center
- Function of the Center
Function of the Center
Function of the Center
Assistance for technology transfer
Establishing business models for technological transfer, ranging widely from customized technology packages to financial services.
Nurturing specialists
In cooperation with JICA Kyushu, we have dedicated ourselves to human resource development with the ambition to be the intellectual center of Asia. We will continue our efforts to improve our programs to nurture specialists that can contribute to the creation of a low carbon society. We will also promote mutually beneficial relationships with recipients of our technologies, where Japan can obtain new opportunities to learn about social conditions throughout Asia, the respective needs of each society and their excellent traditional technologies.
Especially where human resource development plays an essential part in technology transfer projects (international cooperation in environmental fields), we ensure that our assistance covers the entire process from upstream to downstream (e.g., for waste treatment, from separated collection of garbage to the necessary land reclamation). In such projects, we integrate our services into a customized package to cover all the important elements.
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Surveys,researches,release of information
We conduct surveys and researches on incumbent environmental control measures and environmental industries in cities around Asia. Also, the ten-year-old “Kitakyushu Initiative Network” (comprising 62 cities in 18 countries/regions), which was organized in 2000 by ESCAP (United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific), has been reconstituted as the Asian City Network for Environmental Improvement, so that the network can function more effectively.
Moreover, we release information on successful precedents and model cases of effective utilization of social technologies. Surabaya, Indonesia, is a good example where a waste management system based on composting of kitchen garbage was introduced. We hope that the information we provide will encourage other cities to seriously consider introducing similar technologies.