Kitakyushu Asia Center
for Carbon NeutralityKitakyushu Asia Center for Carbon Neutrality

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  • Toward the Realization of the SDGs

Toward the Realization of the SDGs

Toward the Realization of the SDGs

About SDGs Future City

The SDGs, which stands for Sustainable Development Goals, are international goals adopted by all 193 participating countries of the United Nations at the UN Summit in September 2015, aiming to create a sustainable and better world by 2030. It consists of 17 goals and 169 targets, and pledges to "leave no one behind.

The SDGs are universal, not only for developing countries but also for developed countries themselves, and Japan is actively working on them.

The City of Kitakyushu is promoting various measures in the fields of economy, society, and the environment under the vision of becoming a "Green Growth City" that is full of "true affluence," contributes to the world, and is trusted. In addition, in recognition of its efforts to date, the city was selected as an SDGs Future City in 2018.

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SDGs at Kitakyushu Asia Center for Carbon Neutrality

Mainly related goals (8, 9, 13, 17)

Kitakyushu Asia Center for Carbon Neutrality is conducting projects that contribute to many of the SDGs, with a focus on 17 "Achieving the Goals through Partnership.

While there are nees for sustainable urban development in developing countries, the specific policies and technologies required are diverse.
Kitakyushu City has been promoting inter-city cooperation in a order-made manner to meet the diverse needs of Asian countries.

We have steadily accumulated overseas business experience, know-how, and human networks with foreign governments through our international technical cooperation efforts, including the "Miracle in Phnom Penh."

In order to make its international environmental cooperation sustainable, the Asia Low Carbon Center is working on stepping up its activities not only on a volunteer basis but also on a win-win business basis. In the future, we will continue to contribute to the decarbonization of Asia by utilizing the comprehensive power of the city, supporting the overseas development of companies in the city, and revitalizing the local economy.